Ancient Indians possessed great knowledge and applied them for the benefit of community in all areas of human development. But over the periods of transformation of human kind, this precious knowledge is lost forever.
Before that let us remember the day December 21st , 2012 is the predicted day of holocaust or the day of enlightenment for the human beings. The day indicates the end of this era and start of a new era…in other words of Indian mythology end of Kali yuga and start of Kritha yuga (era). Per ancient hindu mythology god protected the ancient knowledge which is in the form of Vedas and carried the only living man ( Manu) and 7 saints to safe and made sure the new world born again with the knowledge. Lot written or talked about this day in the media recently. Well whether world is going to end or not, one thing for sure, world should change or enlighten about human kind by the time.
The four vedas are
1. the Rigveda, containing hymns to be recited by the hotṛ or chief priest;
2. the Yajurveda, containing formulas to be recited by the adhvaryu or officiating priest;
3. the Samaveda, containing formulas to be chanted by the udgātṛ.
The fourth is the Atharvaveda, a collection of spells and incantations, stories, predictions, apotropaic charms and some speculative hymns. (source :Wikipedia)
The hymns used to be started by Hindu’s sacred symbol “AUM”.. so symbology is as ancient as human kind. The start of “AUM” used to prepare the human body to be in abolsute control. When taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy (Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation) and Shiva (liberation) Shakti. Its all about concentration of energies (shakti) to do a particular act. Infact some neotic sciences believe that just a thought of human being can change the physical world.
The knoweldge said to be preserved also in Upavedas/Upanshads; which taught us tremendous deeper knowledge.
The term upaveda ("applied knowledge") is used in traditional literature to designate the subjects of certain technical works.The Charanavyuha mentions four Upavedas:
• Medicine (Āyurveda), associated with the Rigveda
• Archery (Dhanurveda), associated with the Yajurveda
• Music and sacred dance (Gāndharvaveda), associated with the Samaveda
• Military science (Shastrashastra), associated with the Atharvaveda
But Sushruta and Bhavaprakasha mention Ayurveda as an upaveda of the Atharvaveda. Sthapatyaveda (architecture), Shilpa Shastras (arts and crafts) are mentioned as fourth upaveda according to later sources
The following list includes the eleven "principal" (mukhya) Upanishads commented upon by Shankaracharya who is considered as Adi guru and accepted as most Hindus. Each is associated with one of the four Vedas (Rigveda (ṚV), Samaveda (SV), White Yajurveda (ŚYV), Black Yajurveda (KYV), Atharvaveda (AV));
1. Aitareya (ṚV)
2. Bṛhadāraṇyaka (ŚYV)
3. Taittirīya (KYV)
4. Chāndogya (SV)
5. Kena (SV)
6. Īṣa (ŚYV)
7. Śvetāśvatara(KYV)
8. Kaṭha (KYV)
9. Muṇḍaka (AV)
10. Māṇḍūkya (AV)
11. Praśna (AV)
The Aitareya Upanishad is a short prose text, divided into three chapters, containing 33 verses., it’s a sheer coincidence that human spine consists of 33 bones and also 33rd number is very important no for free masonry. As I articulated earlier in my religion blog, all the ancient knowledge seems to be originated from a common stream irrespective of the religion.
I can go on unearth just from Wikipedia itself the enormous knowledge our forefathers possessed.
Let us look at a famous sloka in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
Asato maa sadgamaya
Tamaso maa jyotirgamaya
Mrityor maa amritamgamaya
Ōm shanti shanti shanti
Lead Us From the Unreal To the Real,
Lead Us From Darkness To Light,
Lead Us From Death To Immortality,
OM (the universal sound of God)
Let There Be Peace Peace Peace.
Lord Krishna also mentioned about dual world. In other famous known holy book called Bhagavadgita… as said in Latin " Jeova Sanctus Unus" - One True God who is with in our minds....that is where god infact given two minds to acquire knoweldge.
Then most of that what we are inventing is re-invention or re-learning of what our predecessors already discovered.
However…I just wanna close this sayng if Human thought can change this materialistic world…be it..but let us discover the lost treasure...
May be the Dec 21st 2012, Human being should know how to acquire peace in this world, otherwise could be real end of the world.