This is an Wall Street Journal Best seller.. by Beverly and Sharaon... They preached about 26 best practices to retain best employees..
In these challenging times, I thought this is the best book to read and these practices are applicable to every manager/leader. But one thing I most liked is
" LOVE' EM or LOSE 'EM" Ex Bosses used to preach (Raja/Warun) to make .... " HAPPY PEOPLE" Ex Bosses used to preach (Raja/Warun) to make .... " HAPPY PEOPLE"
...I pulled the strings... HAPPY PEOPLE make HAPPY CUSTOMERs and evnetually HAPPY ORGAINZATION.
So, Why people leave ...lot of us think Money...never....its all about those Five reasons invariably we find..
Boss, Recognition, Job Satisfaction, Rewards and Development in an organization.
Money is an hygiene factor, but not the only factor...change your thoughts an employee thoughts from "Entilement" to Earning mode...
so guys why wait with holding breath....those 26 engagement strategies are ABCDEFG......RSTUVXYZ....
Ask Whats Keeps You - do you know what they want?
Buck It stops here - who's in charge of keeping them?
Careers Support growth -are you building their future?
Dignity Show Respect-do they know that you respect them?
Enrich Entergize the job-do your people leave to find the growth and challenge?
Family Get friendly - work life balance, avoid your employee chose between family and work!
Goals Expand options -there are five lateral career paths other than up!!
Hire Fittest -make a match or start from scratch, fitment not hurting the existing..
Information Share it!- do u have it? or do u hoard it?
Jerk Dont be one -r u one?
Kicks Get some -are we having fun yet? create fun at work!
Link Create connections - if you build them, they will stay!
Mentor Be one - are they learning from you?
Numbers Run them - calculate the cost of loss !
Opportunties Mine them - will they find inside or outside?
Passion Encourage it -help them find the work they love ; without leaving
Question Reconsider the rules- which will you keep rules or people?
Reward Provide recognition -which matters more praise or pay?
Space give it -are your people on the short leash? provide innovation!
Truth Tell it -the truth hurts or does it?
Understand Listen deeper - when you tune out, you lose out and they move out!
Values Define and align -what matters most?
Wellness Sustain it -are you sick or tired?
X-ERS and Other Generations Handle with Care - they are different, can you keep them?
Yield Power down -Give it up! empower them to make right decisions..
Zenith Go for it - test your retention engagement index!
Go through ...these see what extent you can build to keep good people with you!!