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Sunday, February 14, 2010


Recently I attended the NASSCOM leadership conference and there were about 600+ delegates from 20 countries, where 140 speakers lectured. Those who don't know NASSCOM is an association of IT enabled and IT Software/Hardware industry setup to promote the growth of IT industry in India. In India there were about 2.3 MM people employed in this industry and brings $Bs of Forex to India.

Despite the recession this industry seen at around 5.1% growth....

During recession....Industry is expecting new directions to
  • Re-Invent
  • Re-Design
  • Re-Build
Requires because there is a change in demand, change in supply and change in the order to sustain industry is expected change in Technology, change in R & D, change in Business models and change in Execution.
As IT infrastructure technologies  driven by Virtualisation, Mobile and Cloud computing  are leading to a commodity service.
The big key message from seminar is

"Disruptive Innovation" 
and make Innovation as culture.
To adopt innovation, need a greater alignment between Front end and Back end  and also promote an inclusive growth.
 Some analysts are predicting that
  • Asia & EMEA markets are converging and emerging stronger
  • Need for  resource efficient and green solutions
  • New Corporate boundaries - Open innovation, extended supply chain, Web of Partners( who are culturally Fit).
  • Stronger need for Globalization and productization of services
  • More important is changed competition -ex Google vs IBM
The earlier Customer used to be the King...apart from that now the recession made even CASH as the king..or queen..
But Industry is still promising, just required to be grounded with realities, focus on building high performance teams and take advantage.

The other thing organizations need to do is
OUTSMART - with ideas, innovation, vision
INSPIRE - Ambition, Focus, Innovation to
DELIVER -every one plays and are accountable with an attention to process quality and authenticity.

An organization can emerge stronger in profits, market cap and share with solid revenues if they nurture INNOVATION as a culture and execute with sharper focus.