Once again my fav author Ken Blanchard enthralls in his book called " The One Minute Apology" with his simple style and good companion to his earlier book "One Minute Manager".

He waves a young man (EA to CEO) story to convey the secrets behind the apology and tells us how he saved his boss and his company.
The toughest part of apologizing is realizing and admitting that you were wrong, Ken begins his book.Let us talk about some of his key messages " The power of the one minute apology is just deeper than words", i.e. saying just sorry does not mean any thing, it has to come from within and show your commitment and win trust of the person whom you hurt.
How many of us really wants to face the truth, pl, tell the truth to every body what you feel and think and see how difficult it would be to live. Ken says One minute Apology begins first with surrender and ends with integrity.
Surrender begins with introspection, and has two parts to it, first is all about you and coming grips with what you did wrong. The second is making sure the person you have harmed feel that you know you made a mistake. To surrender, the fundamental concept is " one minute of being honest with your self is worth more than days, months or years of self deception"
In the story the One minute manager warns every body that "The longer you wait to apologize , the sooner your weakness is perceived as wickedness"
The relation between Honesty and integrity are not mutually exclusive, Honesty is telling the truth to ourselves and others; while integrity is living that truth.
Integrity is all about who you want to be, who you want to be known as forever, even after your death. Nice story ken recalls about Alfred Noble, who invented the Bomb and happened to read his obituary news in the news by accident. He stunned to see what had been written, he was portrayed as destroyer. Since then Noble decided what he wanted to be known as and today we associate him with only Noble prizes.
you have integrity,
- When you recognize where you failed or did wrong and is inconsistent with what you want to be known.
- Reaffirming that you are better than your poor behaviour and forgive your self.
- Recognize how much you hurt others
- Make commitment to your self and others not to repeat this behaviour.
very powerful statements from Ken and one more statement I liked most

" NATO" Not Attached To Outcome..
which reminds me our holy book "Geetha" taught by Lord Krishna "Karmanye vadhi karesthe" Which teaches Do your Karma (do right things you supposed to do) and never think about the phal (fruits of what you did= Outcome). Apologize not for the out come but bcz you know your were wrong and it is right thing to do.
Why one Minute Apology helps because "when you honestly express your feelings with some one you care about you show respect for your self and the relationship"
People with humility don't think less of them selves, they just think about themselves less, hence expressing apology do not demean your self, it in fact raises to your esteem respect .
I strongly recommend to read his books, if you are serious about winning the hearts of people you lead..