We live on this beautiful blue planet with full of people, connecting to each other is an art. In my view each person forms four rings in his life around him.
1.Professional Ring -which is outermost ring and normally person allows people whom he gets connected in office, business etc...
2.Social Ring: Second outer ring and connects to people whom they socialize with, for example a team in organization or sport
3.Family Ring: Second Inner ring, where a person gets connected through family connections or establishes through family friendship.
4.Personnel Ring: Inner most ring...allowed to close people, whom they can share secrets and limited to people whom they trust fully.
These are also articulated in 8th habit by Stephen covey as EQ, SQ, IQ and PQ (Emotional, Social, Intelligent and Physical Quotients).
In any organization or Sports team, if a leader can connect through all these rings to inner most and establish peer to peer relations, then he can create a winning team.
It is also the ability of a leader in identifying the right talent and ability to give up the bottom performers will help in achieving the goals.
It is like "Sailing together a boat" ......or "swimming together in Nemo movie" or The way "Spartans fought in movie 300".
1 comment:
Hi Manoj,
Thanks for todays posting, truely agree abt the rings. I have always wanted to cut across and connect into the inner most ring, some of the people i have worked with will always remember me for that, they may forget with time, what i delivered or achieved.
However I have always had one strong deliberation running in my mind, who are these bottom performers? If you draw a bell curve, you will always find some over there, and offcourse, in some places, where the leader has a compulsive accountability to display a normal bell curve of performers, he/she will always need to leave people there!!
People are different and their skills are inherently made of their Strengths they develop and their learnings over time. Some fit best in one role, some may be best else where, but as leaders, I have always believed that the accountability should like with us, becuase we as leaders choose them at first, and we develop them. Do you have different thoughts?
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