Fast approaching God Ganesha's Birthday in September. In Pune this is one of the big festival.
In Hindu mythology, it is believed that there are 30 Million i.e 3 Crore Gods, well each god born for a different purpose and had communicated a different message. Any way it should not be surprised that a country with more than 1 Billion people has 30 Million Gods.
OK, let us take Lord Ganesha...he is the leader of Gods Army, his features are Elephant Face, 4 Hands, a long Trunk, a large Stomach and short height. He used to travel always on a Rat....
Well there is some learning out of this god too.....Look at the description of this Leader..
Ganesha 's
Big Ears indicate - Listening skills
Big Trunk Nose- Smell the problems in advance
Side glanced eyes - See what you can not see..
Big Head - Indicates -Think Big
Large Stomach - Ability to swallow and digest big Data
His Rat -Indicates the need for speed in action.
His 4 Hands - Ability to do multi-processing.
His Bowl of Ladoos (prasad) - Never forget to recognize and reward people
His Trishul Weapon - Three prong approach before use of danda( Stick) Sama (coach), Dana (Goodies), Bedha (differentiate)
His Abhay Hand : Says will take care
Ofcourse his small height indiactes humility .................
So our predecessors were very inteligent and used all kind of verbal and non verbal communications. They created Gods with specific features to convey us with out telling us.
Any way let us bow to Lord Ganesha.....
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