Today is Lord Krishna's Birth Day , Krishna's preachings are well known in Hindu Religion as Bhagawadgeetha.... which has 18 Chapters. This was taught to King Arjuna in Kurukshetra War, where the Pandava Kings defeated the Kauravas. Well mythology is always interesting to know, but one thing wonders me ....this war occurred probably 1000 Years ago , but they had all missile technology. King Arjuna was famous in these missiles or arrows....which used to be called as Naga (snake), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) etc etc...which used to be primarily surface to air and Surface to surface missiles.
Well Mahabharata gives us mixed learning, Sibling rivaling, Polygamy, Bloody wars et etc... but one that Lord Krishna gave us is the holy book Bhagavadgeetha....
which kind of preached humanity, Values, Respect etc......
Hare Rama Hare Krishna.....Hare Hare....
Happy Krishna Janmashtami
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