India is multilingual, multi ethnic society that boast of bringing evolutions in many fields to this world including the "civilization" .
The Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures give the account of evidences and leave the little room for doubt that human kind evolved here...
Here are some interesting facts make us proud to be Indian.
- Bharat Muni is an ancient sage who laid the foundation for Dance form called "Bharata Natya"
- Chess was invented in India called shatranja
- Sushruta a physician is the father of surgery in India.
- The place value system, decimal system was developed in India in 100BC
- Aryabhatta was the scientist who invented the digit zero
- The worlds first university was established in Takshila in 700BC
- The art of navigation was born in river sindh 6000 years ago in India and the word navigation it self derived out of a Sanskrit word -Navgatih
- Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit sun 100 years before western astronomers.
- The Indus Valley - a true example of modern literate society existence
- the value "Pi" calculated first by an Indian Budhayana (Pythagorean Theorem)
- Quadratic equations were used by Sridharacharya in 11 Century.
- Until 1896, India was the only country for diamonds in the world (do not forget the Kohinoor)
- Yoga and meditation still rule in the world of enlightenment, come from India
- Grammar -Vyakaran was first composed in India by Panini between 750 and 500 BC.
- Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans, Sage Charaka consolidated this 2500 years ago.
- Wireless communication was invented first by Prof.Jagdish Bose as proved by IEEE
- Economic (Artha Sashtra) was wriiten by Chanyakya during Mourya Dynasty.
- First coins were minted before 5th century BC in central India
India never invaded any country in last 10000 years of history....how can some body blame us....we are always at receiving end... our patience is not our weakness.... India gave us so much this world......
Had there been a study on these and patented, we would have been a rich country by this time.... However still Proud to be an Indian
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