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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Republic Day

India,  a largest democracy actually become republic on 26th January, 1950 and is celebrating its 6o years of completion. 1 1/2  Billion people coming together under Tiranga,  its mighty display of military  power, Gallantry, achievements, different cultures etc etc... are true replica of a republic.... for the people, by the people and of the people.

Ruled by  Woman president, woman party president, woman chief minister in two states (Delhi and UP)....a true example of woman empowerment in this country. Good to see a lot of this displayed in the republic parade.

A Muslim vice president, a Sikh prime minister, a christian defence minister at top of the government shows how diverse is our republic.

Rich by its missiles Akash, Nag, Prithvi and Brahmos...establish a forte of defence.

60 Years India is becoming a self sufficient and self reliant by achieving in many fields, despite the challenges. Today is a proud moment for every Indian.
Jai Hind.

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