God's Gift is this blue planet called earth, surrounded by beautiful nature. Water falls, Green Hills, White snowy mountains, Red Volcanoes. deep blue seas...wow....can you see any other planet this beautiful. Well Humans are always exploring withtheir intelligence space and nature.
Today most of our discoveries or inventions exploit the nature for better living.
(the Photo taken by me near by Pune)
You can live without money for years
You can live without food for months
You can live without Water for days
You can live with out Air for secs...
Imagine life without the mother nature....The power of nature comes good to us, when you produce electricity, make houses, create planes...but when mother natures shows her destructive power. which comes in the form of tsunamis, cyclones .....etc etc ...These are resulting when you unbalance the nature....who else is the responsible for the same, just everybody ..........need to save the nature and preserve the power of the nature.
Go........Go Green Please.....