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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Focus for Year 2009

We are living in recessionary economy..not for India...for the rest of world, but definitely its gloomy for us, despite posting yoy 6-7% GDP growth. Well India poised to grow at least 6% in this current situation too just below the china. However, Indian consumption is increasing day by day. Despite more than a Billion people, US consumption is far higher than India, because of its value of $$. While Indian consumer market still has shine, but Industrial and services will definitely get a hit with this.

Every organization is focusing on cutting the costs, improving operational efficiencies and increasing the productivity. Need of hour is to completely live frugal life and abandon the lavish expenditure.

But also this the time for acquisitions /Investments in the business to strengthen the portfolios or expand the customer base. Help customers to cut costs, by consolidation etc. and improve margins, thus make them buy more. Focus should be developing the people, so that they can be more productive.

Hope this turns around by at least Q3/Q4 of this year... government pumped money, should yield some results.

But those will survive, who are the fittest.

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