Well In India there are lot of festivals....however each festival is set by ancestors as booster in life and convey some important messages.
Dussehra means -Das- Hara.. a celebration of killing of 1o Headed Ravana by Lord Rama. Mother Durga fought for 9 days and killed the demon on 10th day.
Actually the 10 Headed Ravana represents the 10 Evil feelings in a human being like Anger(Krodha) , Jealousy (Asuya), Possessive (Moha), Lust (Kama), etc etc ..... so it is like purifying your self from all these.
Also Indian traditions set precedence for worshiping woman as Goddess...of course you see this also in Christianity worshiping Mother Mary. It is evident that who respects a woman would cherish prosperity in life.
Most of the festivals in India set for family reunions, so that the bonding is further strengthened.
Fasting during festivals also kicks off special enzymes for healthy body.
So our predecessors were so intelligent and great trend setters....who thought to bring good things to life.
This is the day where Good wins overs Evil....Happy DUSSEHRA....
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