TRUST... The five words like five elements of life of a leadership... Lot of times we think what is the trust... Trust is the only value which needs a mutual reaction and has mutual benefits.
If you do not know whom trust in your society or at home or at office....just will be miserable.
Think of you do not trust the milk man...who might have mixed some thing in the will never have your coffee
Think when you do not trust the Pilot's never fly
Think of you do not trust your leave the organization.

See the next picture....nice way described in article in
ZDNet- If you have negative beliefs and whether the facts or positive or negative before you.. you stop trusting some body or you never trust any body
- If you have +ve beliefs and negative facts.... you would be on the verge of trusting some body of facts turn +ve.
Same way when you do a bungee need to trust the person, the tools and his
experience and never would do that... if you notice normally this is what the trainers would put
in front of you...
their experience and some facts about the
bungee jump.
How would you build a trust ...
Trust comes from Transparent and Open communication...Trust comes from keeping comes from fair treatment with out biases...Trust comes from delegation and empowerment....creating ownership and accountability..Trust comes from sharing, developing others...and building careers.....I can go on......but a simple example.... I used to refer to lot of my
Well we take a person to swimming pool who does not know to swim or first time to pool...
We go there...tell him about the depth of pool, dos and
don'ts....and teach him how to swim...
We will
observe while the person is swimming and just there to help him...and once you trust that he can swim, we just walk away....
Just correlate this what we do in a organization....what all i said above will come
in front of your eyes.
Just see the pictorial diagram, down
loaded from the net... have people around you whom you can trust and trust you...
professional and
personnel life would be so sweet.............